Transforming Healthcare Environments – Ottawa


Canadian Centre for Healthcare Facilities invites you to:

Transforming Healthcare Environments

Join Us! Connect – Share – Innovate,
and Celebrate Canada’s 150th Birthday!

The Canadian Centre for Healthcare Facilities presents a two-day conference at The Ottawa Hospital (TOH). Learn about the TOH Redevelopment Project, cutting-edge trends impacting healthcare environments, leading research and healthcare design case studies.

Dates: May 15, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm – Conference, followed by a networking reception dinner, and May 16, 8:00 – 1:00 pm – Conference Day 2, followed by tours.

Conference Location: Kaminksi Room, Civic Campus, The Ottawa Hospital.

Tours: Special areas of The Ottawa Hospital (Cancer Centre, The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Medical Reprocessing Devices Area, new GMP Laboratory).

Dinner Reception: Amphitheater lobby, Civic Campus, The Ottawa Hospital ($75 extra fee).

Conference Fees: $1,390 (plus tax), or $900 (plus tax) for hospitals and government, includes: networking breakfasts, lunches and breaks, conference materials and presentations & tours. Join us for a networking dinner after the first day of the conference. Transfers to and from the Marriott East Hotel to The Ottawa Hospital are included. One day rates are available.

Details & Registration:

Don’t miss out, be inspired, learn and share with innovative leaders from across Canada in the nation’s capital. As always, the audience plays an important role in participating in discussion following each presentation.


  1. To share case studies by project leads that highlight innovative approaches and lessons learned.
  2. To highlight how innovations (technology, design, research, project delivery approaches and process changes) are transforming healthcare environments and challenge your way of thinking for new projects.
  3. To learn from each other in the healthcare facility sector community -designers, constructors, healthcare decision-makers, clinicians, project officers, architects and engineers, IT architects etc.


Capitalizing on Transformation Trends
Susan Owen, Principal, Healthcare Transformation Services Philips Healthcare Technology & Chair, Canadian College of Healthcare Leaders, Board of Directors, Toronto

The Ottawa Hospital – Concepts in Planning an Academic Health Sciences Centre of the Future
Cameron Love, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Joanne Read, Vice President, Planning and Support Services

Operationalizing Transformation at Providence Care
Krista Wells-Pearce, Vice-President of Planning and Support Services, Providence Care, Kingston
Dawn Downey, Operational Readiness Leader with Providence Care Redevelopment and Planning, Providence Care
Ken Cameron, Senior Project Manager, Stantec, Markham
Helen Margiotta, Senior Consultant, Operational Readiness, Healthcare, Toronto

Virtual Care and the Evolution of the Exam Room
Kim Montague, Healthcare Knowledge and Insights Program Lead, HermanMiller, Michigan

Design Innovation in Converging Research, Teaching and the Clinical Space in the Hospital of the Future
Andrew King, Senior Partner, Design Principal, Lemay, Montreal
Elizabeth Rack, Principal Healthcare Planning, Perkins+Will, Chicago

Robotics and Patient Engagement Innovations
Dr. Seth Bokser, Associate Clinical Professor of Paediatrics, University of California San Francisco, Medical Center, San Francisco

And much more important content that is forward facing in planning, design, and construction innovations, technologies, and evidence-based approaches. Let’s connect and learn from each other at this very special two-day event.

Thanks to our sponsors

Carpenter District Council of Ontario parkin_logo_269_1805_Short_Wide_TransparentBkGnd Stantec


Ottawa_Hospital_horizontal-bkgrndTrnsprnt Canadian College of Health Leaders CCHL Healthcare Technology


Coalition for Healthcare Acquired Infection Reduction - CHAIR CHES Ontario


CCHF is a registered, national, not for profit association. CCHF’s mission is to improve healthcare environments, promoting a knowledge network of interdisciplinary experts in the healthcare facility field through forums that bring cutting edge content and research to the sector.

Rita Mezei, MSc. Planning
Executive Director
Canadian Centre for Healthcare Facilities (CCHF)

109 London Drive,
Chatham, ON N7L 5J1
Direct line: (416) 278-3611
Anywhere in Canada: 1-844-410-2243