Robin McLernon

Since joining P1 Consulting in 2013, Robin has worked on over 60 mandates and has deep understanding of the P3 model as well as its benefits, implications, and challenges. Robin has worked on over 20 facilities management (FM) projects, including the following for Infrastructure Ontario: hospitals (William Osler, CAMH (1B & 1C), Mackenzie Health, Providence Care, Woodstock), courthouses (Halton, Toronto) and other facilities (MacDonald Block, East Rail Maintenance). During the Operational Term,  she works with clients to monitor and enhance the private partner’s delivery or real property services (including supporting on the benchmarking process), Robin has provided input into or was responsible for drafting the output specification for many projects.  She has led several consultation processes with service providers and owners to enhance the service requirements and performance regimes.  She holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) from Queen’s University and a Masters in Science and Technology Studies from the University of Edinburgh.

  • Company:P1 Consulting Inc.
  • Short Bio:Senior Director, Facilities Advisory Services
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