Kelly Nystedt has an Honours Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto and completed Radiation Therapy training at Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre. She is the recipient of the L.J. Cartwright Award and Joan Beaverstock Radiation Therapy Student Essay Award, Certificate of Merit, for her graduating class. She also holds a post graduate Certification in Adult and Continuing Education at University of Victoria. Kelly moved to B.C. as a new graduate in 1992 and has practiced her entire career within BC Cancer – Victoria. Starting as a clinical radiation therapist, she transitioned through progressive leadership positions, including dosimetrist, radiation therapy educator, clinical instructor, director of clinical operations for radiation therapy, regional director and now executive director, BC Cancer – Victoria. She has been an active advocate for her provincial and national professional associations: British Columbia Association of Medical Radiation Technologists and Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT), respectively serving two full terms (six years) as director for BC and two years as finance director for CAMRT.
- Company:BC Cancer – Victoria
- Short Bio:Executive Director