Alice Dixon is an expert in energy and climate change working for Infrastructure Ontario to improve the energy performance and climate resilience of Provincial infrastructure and real estate assets. She holds a master’s degree in environmental studies and planning, and a bachelor’s degree in fine arts. She applies her arts and science background in being a versatile problem solver and communicator. She is well versed in conducting climate risk assessments and implementing adaptation measures in the built environment.
Alice currently sits on the AMONTario Climate Change & Asset Management Committee, REALPAC’s Environment and Sustainability Group, and is participating as a stakeholder for infrastructure in Ontario’s Provincial Climate Change Impact Assessment. She has also been on climate related working groups for Intact Centre for Climate Adaptation, Metrolinx, Toronto Region and Conservation Authority and Ontario Professional Planners Institute. Most recently Alice has advised on Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy.
- Company:Infrastructure Ontario
- Short Bio: Energy Specialist, Environmental Management, Infrastructure Ontario,
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